Kose Softymo Speedy Cleansing Oil
Speedy is clear, deep pore is tinted golden. It took like 3 bottle for me to get used to the smell of deep pore. They add a citrus scent, but for the longest time it just smells like rubber to me. Overall i like speedy better, but i think deep pore was their counter to dhc deep pore oil cleanser, even if the ingredients are not similar. I used to exclusively use tfs rice water light cleansing oil , and switched to the softymo in the last year.
Tfs is a bit more perfumed and harder to wash away imo, but overall in the same range. Honestly, i think most oil cleansers are essentially interchangeable for. The deep is thicker and cleanses, well, deeper lol. It’s great for dry to really dry skin (aka me) and removes excess sebum, blackheads, grit, and dead skin cells. It also removes your makeup, including waterproof mascara. I don’t know much about the white, as i haven’t tried it or really seen any reviews for it. I have pretty sensitive skin and the softymo speedy cleansing oil (pink bottle) is my fave oil cleanser ever. Fragrance free, simple ingredient list. The deep and white version have orange essential oil (an irritant) so avoid those. I cannot recommend this one enough though. It effortlessly removes sunscreen, it’s gentle too though so i. Like i said, possibly the differences i felt can be attributed to the placebo effect. I've used both the speedy and the deep. I prefer the deep cleansing oil, but they're incredibly similar and both do a great job. It's a bit thicker and just seemed to get more out.
It effortlessly removes sunscreen, it’s gentle too though so i. Like i said, possibly the differences i felt can be attributed to the placebo effect. I've used both the speedy and the deep. I prefer the deep cleansing oil, but they're incredibly similar and both do a great job. It's a bit thicker and just seemed to get more out. If your skin reacts to the rice bran oil in the deep cleansing oil, you should also think about the speedy version because its ingredient list is much shorter without the rice bran oil and orange. It’s $10 for 250ml on sasa. com so it’s very affordable for those who are interested in trying. Cleansing oil needs a minute to break down waterproof mascara. You can also apply oil directly to the lashes using a spooly brush, wait a minute then wipe with a damp cotton pad. Kose speedy cleansing oil is quite popular in japan, moreso than the dhc cleansing oil. Ive used speedy for years. So far the seedy feels a bit thinner and more slippery, while deep felt like it sunk in a bit more. Both seem to work well and remove makeup just as well. I prefer the deep, since the speedy makes my face and hands dry. Kose softymo speedy cleansing oil is good for removing makeup and spf, but not the best for unclogging pores. If you're breaking out, consider another oil cleanser with ingredients targeting comedones. Maybe try hada labo gokujyun cleansing oil or dhc deep cleansing oil. Remember, everyone's skin reacts differently. Dm me if you need more help. Excellent application, thinner consistency than hadalabo, excellent for everyday light duty use. Excellent application as well, thicker consistency than pink softymo speedy, and does such a great job cleaning my pores and dead peeling skin.
If your skin reacts to the rice bran oil in the deep cleansing oil, you should also think about the speedy version because its ingredient list is much shorter without the rice bran oil and orange. It’s $10 for 250ml on sasa. com so it’s very affordable for those who are interested in trying. Cleansing oil needs a minute to break down waterproof mascara. You can also apply oil directly to the lashes using a spooly brush, wait a minute then wipe with a damp cotton pad. Kose speedy cleansing oil is quite popular in japan, moreso than the dhc cleansing oil. Ive used speedy for years. So far the seedy feels a bit thinner and more slippery, while deep felt like it sunk in a bit more. Both seem to work well and remove makeup just as well. I prefer the deep, since the speedy makes my face and hands dry. Kose softymo speedy cleansing oil is good for removing makeup and spf, but not the best for unclogging pores. If you're breaking out, consider another oil cleanser with ingredients targeting comedones. Maybe try hada labo gokujyun cleansing oil or dhc deep cleansing oil. Remember, everyone's skin reacts differently. Dm me if you need more help. Excellent application, thinner consistency than hadalabo, excellent for everyday light duty use. Excellent application as well, thicker consistency than pink softymo speedy, and does such a great job cleaning my pores and dead peeling skin.