Vallejo Mwtalk Chrome Vs Aluminum
I was really interested in checking out how good and effective the metal colors from acrylicos vallejo are. Here is a review of vallejo metal colors. I tested out vallejo metal color aluminum and chrome, against ak xtreme metal aluminum. All 3 colors work best on a gloss background. I used 4 different primers:
If you want to make a fair comparison, you would use alclad polished aluminum or stainless steel. I think the one below is stainless steel, with white aluminum highlights on the wing control surfaces. Here i test for the first time vallejo metal colors. This is vallejos answer to alclad ii metal paints. Being an acrylic i wasn't sure what to expect as i believe lacquers handle metal. I want to buy more, but i can only afford a couple bottles this month. For those experienced with this line, what one color would you suggest as a good highlight for the steel, which is pretty dark? I am trying to decide between chrome or aluminium, but i'm just not sure. Now, to change the opponents a little, and since i did not have similar colors, i now tested gunze super metallic chrome (left) against vallejo chrome right) they both have great natural shine. Those gunze colors are really expensive. Vallejo metal color uses aluminum pigment which gives the paint a very much realistic look that no other metal or metallic paint gives. If you’re considering getting metal paints for your model, here’s everything you need to know about vallejo metal paints. The model air will be more metallic than the metal color. It’s like how mr hobby came out with there super metallic 2 version that’s better than there older version. Much finer pigment, much better realistic finish.
Vallejo metal color uses aluminum pigment which gives the paint a very much realistic look that no other metal or metallic paint gives. If you’re considering getting metal paints for your model, here’s everything you need to know about vallejo metal paints. The model air will be more metallic than the metal color. It’s like how mr hobby came out with there super metallic 2 version that’s better than there older version. Much finer pigment, much better realistic finish. I have had great experiences with metal color aluminum and exhaust manifold colors, but have never done a whole nmf plane. I got a bottle of duraluminum for my revell mustang, good to know it will work well. The gsw looks great. Vallejo's metal color chrome is loads better than the model air, but still does a better job of representing polished aluminum than actual chrome. The metal colour range is raved about a lot, you get a lot more for your money and it comes in a dropper bottle and is pre thinned for airbrushing (even though i'd be painting it on with a brush primarily, chaos trim is a delicate process) so how do people rate it? If you used vallejo primer, in my experience vallejo paints don't react well to isopropyl alcohol. It might explain the orange peel surface. I don't use anything other than vallejo's own thinner, or ultimate thinners with vallejo paints. I picked up a four pack of vallejo metal color acrylic paint; Silver, aluminum, dark aluminum, and steel. So far i've been impressed with their ease of application and how hard they cure. Has anyone tried their chrome paint? I have heard that the vallejo is more durable than alclad and you don'. Gives a nice metallic look, probably better on other models where the manufacturer bothered to finish the moulds properly! Hi peter, i've used vallejo's metal color line on a number of models and really like them. Unlike other vallejo products like their air series, i find that you don't need to thin the metal color line at all.
I have had great experiences with metal color aluminum and exhaust manifold colors, but have never done a whole nmf plane. I got a bottle of duraluminum for my revell mustang, good to know it will work well. The gsw looks great. Vallejo's metal color chrome is loads better than the model air, but still does a better job of representing polished aluminum than actual chrome. The metal colour range is raved about a lot, you get a lot more for your money and it comes in a dropper bottle and is pre thinned for airbrushing (even though i'd be painting it on with a brush primarily, chaos trim is a delicate process) so how do people rate it? If you used vallejo primer, in my experience vallejo paints don't react well to isopropyl alcohol. It might explain the orange peel surface. I don't use anything other than vallejo's own thinner, or ultimate thinners with vallejo paints. I picked up a four pack of vallejo metal color acrylic paint; Silver, aluminum, dark aluminum, and steel. So far i've been impressed with their ease of application and how hard they cure. Has anyone tried their chrome paint? I have heard that the vallejo is more durable than alclad and you don'. Gives a nice metallic look, probably better on other models where the manufacturer bothered to finish the moulds properly! Hi peter, i've used vallejo's metal color line on a number of models and really like them. Unlike other vallejo products like their air series, i find that you don't need to thin the metal color line at all. They spray really, really smoothly out of the airbrush and clean up super easily. Vallejo air metals are different then vallejo metal color air xd the one you use are ok, some of them are rather bad, others are pretty decent, gunmetal being one of them. The vallejo metal color that op used are all great from what i've seen so far and on a whole different level. 13 replies to “paint review: Vallejo metal color” carsten says: April 4, 2020 at 12:40 am. Have used vallejo’s metal by brush seems never to really dry up though the stuff seemed better once it was poured into a pot with a large lid so able to stirr the stuff. Chrome is almost the same again, it’s just a bit shinier.